Wednesday, December 12, 2007


Blogger's Note:

These sayings were collected by my youngest child, Myrrha Michaela.

Myrrha presents...

1. God can read each falling tear. He sees the heart that's needing cheer. He knows the path that's hard and dear.

2. God will never leave you empty, he will replace everything you lost. If he asked you to put something down, it's because he wants you to pick up something greater.

3. What you are is God's gift to you. What you become is your gift to God. Put God in the center... and every thing will come together.

4. God had a plan when he designed the the universe where we live. He also had a plan when he designed us. The most wonderful experience we can have to discover and participate in God's plan for our life.


Text Thots 2: "Low Batt Ka Na Ba?" - compiled and published by Acts 29 Publishing, copyright 2000

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